Random rants on a huge variety of (mostly) interesting topics.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Rashtrapati Bhavan

Ive just been to the Rashtrapati Bhavan.(not so special) but, i was allowed where other people were not cause of this friend my father had got.So anyway we went and saw the presidents dining and drawing room(yellow and some other drawing rooms) which were off limits to any people except some 6 odd people (of which my father knows one called an ADC).Ishaan my bro went and actually turned the key to the presidents room (totally off limits NO ONE only the president) we peeked inside and saw a painting of jawaharlal nehru and a huge sofa before the ADC caught us looking in. We saw the deer park and a huge amount of places( no photographs were allowed duh). And everything (except the gallary and the mughul gardens) were off limits.
And we snacked in the rashtrapati bhavan (served by some wierd looking butlers) Man i felt like a king ya . I sat on the throne of King George the fifth totally not allowed and Queen of England



Blogger blog.sahil.me said...

wow arjun! u seem 2 have visited totally off limits places, huh?
wish i could too........

12:36 am

Blogger DigVJ said...

arjun....dude gud thing to u happ bout u kno visiting de president's house and all nd by de way r u still playing ragnarok?
i started again nd my new character is base lvl:41 nd job lvl:30 so if u wanna cm back ill be more dan happy.

8:38 pm

Blogger [\\Kartikeya//] said...


11:23 am

Blogger blog.sahil.me said...

exactly :)

3:44 am


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